Gallerys & Catalogue

The best travel partner in Indonesia

Gallerys & Catalogue

Indonesia has so rich about natures and cultures , and it would be an impressive fascination destination to be visited

  • All
  • Natures
  • Temples
  • Volcanoes

Merapi volcano

Located at the border beetween of two provincies , central java and Yogyakarta

Borobudur temple

The biggest Budhist monument in the world

Mendut temple

The statue Bodistava in Mendut temple

Pawon temple

Located nearby of Borobudur temple

Labuan bajo

Located at the Provincy Nusa tengara timur part of Indonesia

Karimun jawa

Located at northern of Jepara shore

Prambanan temple

The biggest Hindhust temple in Indonesia

Bromo caldera

The only a volcano with ancient caldera in the world

Ijen crater

Located at Banyuwangi region , east java provincy

Kota lama semarang

The old town inheritance of Dutch government

Tumpak sewu waterfall

Located at the border of two regions beetween Malang and Lumajan east java

Komodo island

Located at Lombok island eastern of Bali island

Yogyakarta Sultan Palace

Royal palace of Yogyakarta

Watercastle Yogyakarta

it used to be a private The Royal family garden

Traditional Batik Yogyakarta

Unesco has been recoqnized , Batik as a world heritage culture from Indonesia

Jomblang cave

Early morning attraction place to have see the best sightseeing of sun shine

Pindul Tubing Cave

Enjoy the river under the cave with a tube

Kota gede silversmith

Traditional and native silversmith production